Tableau is the program of Business Intelligence type that may be used in many different ways: as an analytical program (Tableau Desktop), a platform for sharing data with others (Tableau Public) or reporting server available by means of internet browser (Tableau Server). Regardless of the method of use, every Tableau user should have the basic knowledge about data preparation, its visualisation in the form of charts and dashboards as well as interactive visual analysis which mechanisms are added to reports. The training: “Data visualisation and creating dashboards in Tableau” combines our unique knowledge regarding data visualisation and visual analysis with using the Tableau programme. This training answers the question: why and how should we visualize and how to do it using Tableau, which admittedly has prompts for a user in the form of Show Me function, but it does not suggest them what chart they should choose. We know that!
Aim of the training
Learning the rules of data visualisation and using them when learning about the operation of Tableau programme on the post-intermediate level.
Participants will learn:
- About the basic rules of data visualisation and how they are presented in Tableau
- What Tableau chart they should choose and why
- Why in Tableau there are only dashboards to choose from and how to design them in a professional manner
- How to plan interactions with a dashboard in order to support the process of visual analysis
The knowledge is transferred on the basis of exercises in Tableau. Using the rules of data visualisation the users learn how to build clear and functional reports in Tableau that may be quickly reviewed, updated and distributed.
Training form:
The training takes place in a closed form in the ordering company’s registered office or any place chosen by it and it lasts 2 days, 7 hours a day (including 3 coffee breaks and one lunch break). A coordinator from the ordering company chooses a group of participants not larger than 15 people. An organizer provide the users with laptops with Tableau programme in Public or Desktop version.
2000€ for 1 Day / 4000€ for 2 Days
Introduction to Tableau programme
- History of Tableau
- Structure of the programme
- Quick start – my first dashboard
Rules of data visualisation
- Memory and its influence on the process of data analysis
- Table and chart
- Effective chart
- Main rules of data visualisation and their reflection in Tableau
- Panel chart and its significance in Tableau
- Data visualisation on maps
Which visualisation should I choose? - Show Me function in practice
- Tables
- Text table
- Heat map
- Highlighted table
- Column chart
- Bar chart
- Stacked column chart
- Column panel chart
- Line Chart
- Time series on line chart
- Panel line Chart
- Surface chart
- Time series on surface chart
- Time series on panel chart
- Point chart
- Correlation on point chart
- Point chart for a category
- Panel point chart for a category
- Chart with two axes – is it worth?
- Line chart with two axes
- Column/line graph with two axes
- Charts based on surface area
- Pie chart
- Tree map
- Bubble chart
- Packaged bubble chart
- Other column charts
- Gantt chart
- Histogram
- Box plot
- Bullet chart
- Charts on maps
- Bubble chart
- Pie chart
- Cartogram on map of Poland
Dashboards in Tableau
- What is a dashboard?
- Managerial dashboard and analytical dashboard
- Managerial dashboard in Tableau
- Analytical dashboard in Tableau
- Publication of dashboard and its appearance in a browser
Visual analysis and designing of interactions
- Filtering
- Sorting
- Hierarchy and drilling down
- Hyperlinks
- Details on demand
- Limitation of data
Data storytelling
- 8 best examples of histories told by means of data
- Data storytelling in Tableau
Advanced handling of Tableau
- Fast calculations in tables
- Calculated fields
- Parameters
- Containers
- Trend lines
- Forecasts
days of intensive training
exercises to do by Participants
surprises during the training
pages of materials in the form of a book will be given to each Participant
Profile of a Participant:
Every user of Tableau that will create dashboards or analyse data using Tableau.
After the training the participants:
- Will know how to handle with Tableau programmes on the post-intermediate level
- Will know how to make the best choice concerning visualisation of Show Me function
- Will be able to design their own dashboards in such a way that a recipient could easily understand the data
Benefits from organisation:
- Faster decision making.
- Increasing the interpretation area of the possessed data.
- Higher professionalism and transparency of reports prepared within the organisation.