Description of training

BI, that is Business Intelligence, is provision of relevant persons with proper information in good time and in an appropriate form, and this information should help with making proper business decisions. This is a popular definition of this term. So what is Power BI? It is a set of tools that allow using Business Intelligence in practice. An analyst, who is able to use Power BI, will be very valuable for his company – he will be able to focus on key indicators finding and accurately identifying chances and risks.

Aim of the training

Aim of the training is to prepare for using Power BI efficiently – the participant will be able to prepare data, make calculation using it as well as publish reports and dashboards

Participants will learn:

  • How to install and prepare themselves to work with Power BI Desktop
  • How to prepare data for analysis using Power BI
  • How to create a model using data and how to make calculations using it
  • How to create reports and dashboards in Power BI
  • How to make use of storage of data and reports in Power BI cloud
  • How to visualise data using Power BI so it is clear and readable for recipients


All of our trainings are based on practical exercises combined with theoretical information. All participants will receive an exercise book which includes description of methods practiced during the classes.

Training form:

The training takes place in a closed form in the ordering company’s registered office or any place chosen by it. A coordinator from the ordering company chooses a group of participants not larger than 15 people. A coordinator provides the participants with computers with Microsoft Excel with add-ons that are required during the training. The training lasts 1 day (7 hours).


2000€ for 1 Day Training

Number of participants

Maximum number of participants is 15 persons, the price is independent of the number of participants.

Training schedule

Quick Start in Power BI

  1. Loading data
  2. Your first chart
  3. Analysis of the data on maps
  4. Table with data
  5. Point chart
  6. Publication and sharing a report

Loading the data in Query

  1. Data import
  2. Merging and combining tables
  3. Transforming columns
  4. Creating calculated columns
  5. Pivot column and cancelling of pivot column
  6. Import from file

Construction of Power BI data model

  1. Loading the source data
  2. Designing the table with calendar
  3. Creating a diagram
  4. Checking the data model
  5. Creating calculations using DAX

Introduction to data visualisation

  1. How does the brain work?
  2. Table or chart?
  3. Selection of the appropriate chart in Power BI
  4. What is a dashboard?
  5. Types of dashboards

Dashboards in Power BI

  1. Standard charts in Power BI
  2. Work with hierarchy
  3. Interactions
  4. Filters and slicers
  5. Publication of report
  6. Automation of refreshing of report using Power BI Gateway
Training in numbers

day training full of exercises

exercises to do by Participants

pages of materials in the form of a book will be given to every Participant

Profile of a Participant:

All persons interested in creating reports using Power BI Desktop – a Microsoft tool for reporting and analysing of data that as one of the very few tools can be used free of charge.

After the training the participants:

  • Will save many hours of work creating refreshable queries to reference databases, files and folders using Query.
  • Will create reports based on several sources which process large amount of data very quickly.
  • Will design dashboards using Power BI and share them to other users.

Benefits from organisation:

  • Automated process of refreshing of reports that provides an analyst with more time for drawing conclusions.
  • Access to reports using internet browser and mobile applications.
  • Management of access to data, linking the access with Active Directory, broad possibilities of cooperation between employees.